
Moving people from poverty to possibility

United Way Centraides help people who experience barriers in our communities access the supports and opportunities they need to realize a brighter future.

The Challenge

When people have inequitable access to basic needs like food and shelter or struggle to find work, they face significant barriers to stability, security, and a better future.

People across Canada are homeless on any given night
1 in 4
Children in Canada are living in poverty
Canadians live in food-insecure households

Our Work

We deliver direct supports to people in local communities to meet their immediate needs and address the root causes of poverty by advocating for funding and policy change, engage in local and national research, and bring together people and organizations that share a goal to end poverty.

Housing Stability

We help people across Canada access affordable, safe, and permanent housing by investing in “housing first” programs and emergency shelters and by advocating for affordable housing.

Food Security

We work to provide everyone with access to nutritious, affordable food through community gardens, school breakfast programs, and food banks.

Employment and Financial Stability

We help people experiencing vulnerability find meaningful jobs, manage expenses, and support their families through job skills training, continuing education, and financial literacy programs.
Our Impact

Thanks to our incredible community of members, partners, donors, and stakeholders, we’re opening doors to a brighter future for people across Canada.

Programs moving people from poverty to possibility
Support for nutritious and affordable food programs
Investments in employment and financial literacy initiatives
Support for resources to improve access to safe and affordable housing

How Your Support Changed Pam’s Life

Providing food for her family wasn’t always easy for Pam. Thanks to United Way Centraide, the single mother of four found a local food-sharing program that provides the healthy staples she needs to help her kids grow.
Read Pam’s Story

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