

You can help people in your community access opportunities for a better life by donating today.

Ways to Donate

Whether you choose to donate in support of our national advocacy, research, and awareness raising activities or your local United Way Centraide, your gift will help improve lives, inspire action for social change, and create a more equitable future for all.

Donate Nationally

You can help strengthen the work of the entire United Way Centraide network by donating in support of our national projects, which strive to strengthen our network and the community services sector through advocacy, research, and awareness raising initiatives.
Donate Today

Make a Gift in Your Will

No matter your age or stage in life, you can create a legacy of changing lives in your community by naming United Way Centraide Canada as a beneficiary in your will.
Learn More About Planned Gift

Donate to a Local United Way Centraide

You can help improve lives in your own community by donating to your local United Way Centraide.
Donate Locally

Together, we make a positive impact to our society.

Our Work

Kids. Poverty. Community. Through these three focus areas we’re improving lives locally and building a stronger, more equitable future for everyone.
Learn More about Our Work

Pam’s Story

Providing food for her family wasn’t always easy for Pam. Thanks to United Way Centraide, the single mother of four found a local food-sharing program that provides the healthy staples she needs to help her kids grow.

Tivadar’s Story

Two-year-old Tivadar struggled with severe language delays, affecting his learning and straining his father’s limited resources. Thanks to United Way Centraide, Tivadar now gets the support he needs from a local speech pathologist and is ready to start school.

Seeta’s Story

A widow for over 30 years, Seeta was feeling lonely and isolated as she struggled with her health. Thanks to United Way Centraide, she found a local seniors’ yoga program that is helping her stay fit, connecting her with new friends, and lifting her spirits.