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United way centraide canada statement regarding the ottawa protest

February 1, 2022

As a national network of local community builders, United Way Centraides are committed to ensuring Canada becomes a truly equitable, safe, and inclusive place, particularly for Indigenous peoples, racialized and marginalized communities.

We support the right to freedom of speech and peaceful protest. At the same time, we condemn the acts and symbols of hate witnessed and disruptions that occurred over the weekend and continue this week in Ottawa and in other regions of the country. As a national organization based in Ottawa, we know these activities have had a deep impact on the communities we serve, front line community service agencies, local businesses, and everyone who calls the National Capital Region home.

We stand alongside United for All, which represents 150+ partners in East Ontario who are all committed to overcoming hate-based violence, racism, and extremism. Click here to see the United for All statement.

If you or anyone you know is struggling with the impact of what you are witnessing or experiencing, please call 211 or visit to be connected to local mental health services in your community.

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