
Stories of Impact

Empowered by your support, United Way Centraides across Canada are making a real difference in the lives of people.

Together, we’re creating real impact for real people.

With your support, United Way Centraide is improving the lives of people in communities all across Canada. Here, we’re honoured to share just a few of their powerful stories of change.

Pam’s Story

Providing food for her family wasn’t always easy for Pam. Thanks to United Way Centraide, the single mother of four found a local food-sharing program that provides the healthy staples she needs to help her kids grow.
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Seeta’s Story

A widow for over 30 years, Seeta was feeling lonely and isolated as she struggled with her health. Thanks to United Way Centraide, she found a local seniors’ yoga program that is helping her stay fit, connecting her with new friends, and lifting her spirits.
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Tivadar’s Story

Two-year-old Tivadar struggled with severe language delays, which affected his learning and strained his father’s limited resources. Thanks to United Way Centraide, Tivadar now gets the support he needs from a local speech pathologist and is ready to start school.
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You Can Help Change More Lives

From volunteering with your local United Way Centraide to donating to help people in your community reach their full potential, there are many ways to get involved and make a difference.
Explore Ways to Get Involved

Get Involved!

From volunteering with your local United Way Centraide to donating to help people in your community reach their full potential, there are many ways to get involved and make a difference.
Explore Ways to Get Involved

Read More Stories of Impact

Learn more about how United Way Centraide is improving lives across Canada — and how your donation is making a difference — by exploring the stories of people we’ve helped.

Learn Mariya’s Story

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Learn Premji & Shanta’s Story

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Learn Sylvanna Story

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