To support and strengthen the leadership of United Way Centraide Canada (UWCC), the UWCC Nomination Committee is inviting applications and nominations of individuals for election to the National Board of Directors for the 2025-2028 term.
The term of the Board appointment is three years and may be renewable for a second term. The Board consists of 15 directors and the Board typically meets in person on weekdays, three times per year. Directors also attend the Annual General Meeting and network-wide gathering. Additionally, virtual meetings may be scheduled throughout the year on a weekday as necessary. Board members also serve on committees that meet virtually between Board meetings. Travel expenses are covered in accordance with UWCC’s expense policy.
The UWCC Board functions in a Policy Governance capacity that does not require involvement at an operational level. A copy of the Board Policy on Role and Function of the Board, Committees & Directors, is available upon request.
In 2025, the Nomination Committee will be seeking three new directors for the 2025-2028 term with one or more of the following skills and competencies:
The UWCC Board of Directors is committed to diversity and inclusion and ensuring the UWCC Board of Directors reflects the communities we serve and benefits from the diverse lived experience and expertise of Directors. The Nomination Committee will be guided by the UWCC’s Board Diversity and Inclusion Policy. The Nominations Committee especially welcomes nominations and applications from Black, Indigenous and People of Colour, women, persons with disabilities, people of all sexual orientations and genders, and others with the skills and knowledge to productively engage with diverse communities.
Candidates for the Board of Directors may be nominated by a local United Way and Centraide or UWCC National Board member. Individuals interested in this opportunity may also apply through self-nomination.
Nominations from a local UWC or National Board member should include a letter of nomination as well as a one-page biography of the nominee including their contact information.
Individual self-nominations should provide a cover letter expressing their interest as well as a one-page biography including contact information.
For consideration for election in 2025, nominations must be received by end of business on February 7, 2025, in an envelope or by e-mail, marked “Confidential” to:
Jodi Carradice
Chair, Nominations Committee
United Way Centraide Canada
c/o Dave Haanpaa
Senior Manager, Governance and Operations
116 Albert Street, Suite 900
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5G3
or by e-mail to
The Nominations Committee will review all applications and nominations. Select candidates will be interviewed in mid-to-late February and a slate of candidates will be recommended to the UWCC Board of Directors in early April for consideration of members at the UWCC AGM on June 19, 2025.